But this annual all-male beauty pageant doesn't just take place to provide attendees with a little bit of eye candy.
..........no really, it doesn't.
It's a fundraiser for Alpha Phi's philanthropy, which is, of course, heart disease. It's actually one of the events that convinced me not only to join the Greek system, but to become a member of Alpha Phi.
Aside from the fact that I found Ivy Man hilarious and entertaining, I was even more pleased to discover that all of the proceeds from the event go toward Cardiac Care. All four of my grandparents suffered from heart disease, so the issue has always been a personal and prevalent force in my life.
Last year, I got really involved in the planning of the event and I loved it! I sold tickets, promoted the event online and through posters, and was a beauty coach for one of the contestants. My friend Savannah and I took funny pictures of our guy around campus, and created a unique Facebook page to build support for him. We even helped him plan his Justin Bieber themed talent, perfect his swimsuit walk, and practice for his onstage question.
The competition itself consists of talent, onstage question, evening wear, and swimsuit, and our "People's Choice Award" is a great way to raise money in addition to our ticket sales. Audience members are asked to donate to the jar of their favorite contestant.
The man who currently reigns over the title of Ivy Man was also the winner of the People's Choice Award last year...Mr. Adam Belfer, the "Cornell Gangster":
Cumulatively, we raised $2,500.00 for cardiac care last year! We give these proceeds directly to the Alpha Phi Foundation, which then donates to major organizations like the American Heart Association. The video below is a summary of why our philanthropy is so important to us:
This year, we are hoping to beat that total. My friend Alex and I have already been hard at work coaching our contestant this year, and it looks like it's going to be stiff competition. I mean, we even have a pair of twins competing!
Alpha Phi's Ivy Man Competition will be held tomorrow night at 7:00 PM in Statler Auditorium. Can't wait!

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